The article describes contraindications and side effects of using radial shockwave therpay.
Due to the characteristics of the shockwave, the contraindications are divided into absolute and relative.
Shockwave theraphy – absolute contraindications
- gestation
- coagulation disorders
- cancer
- cartilage growth in children
- demyelinating polyneuropathy
- infectious inflammation of the tendon sheath
- proximity of lung parenchyma in the area of application
- acute infection of the soft tissue / bone
- local epiphysiolusis (division or separation of the epiphyseal cartilage bone)
- patients with pacemakers
- brain, spinal cord, point concentration of large nerves (skull, spine, ribs)
- advanced osteoporosis
Shockwave theraphy – relative contraindications
- rotator cuff rupture
- tendinitis associated with acute arthritis of shoulder joints which is secondary condition to capsular ligament instability
- acute infection of the soft tissue / bone
- cancer
- local epiphysiolusis (division or separation of the epiphyseal cartialge bone)
- blood coagulation disease and use of anticoagulants
- locally on the lung tissue
Shockwave theraphy – side effects
- hematomas and/or effusions, especially where high energy pulses occured (> 0,60 mj/mmq)
- swelling
- exacerbation of symptoms after 2 – 3 days after the shockwave therapy treatment with cryotherapy and painkillers or without